Monday, October 21, 2019

Reset of time? When, Lord? Okay. Be patient.

The Feast and the 8th day have passed, in Jerusalem, the sun has set. This was what we considered the prime season holding potential for the resetting of time back to 2012.

As Aaron and I watched the sun setting from the streaming webcam view of the Temple mount, we prayed. I heard, "I will bring forth a word when it is time." Aaron heard, "Remain patient." He had been hearing, "Be patient" this morning, even when he wasn't asking. It's hard to be patient. Especially when our struggles press hard. This is why overcomers are few in number.

We have put off shopping and such to focus on things that were more necessary, given our hopeful expectations in the time frame of the Feasts. What does this mean? You have questions, and we have questions, and we expect that suitable answers will come in due time. We are not inclined to discard anything of all the promises we know we have received from the Lord, who has been exceedingly merciful and generous with grace. Aaron and I hope to make more video and publish it here.

We expect there will be a flood of jubilant critics weighing in on our channel, and we'll try to manage that as the Lord provides, so if you respond to a thread we are compelled to delete, your replies will go away with the entire thread.

We are disappointed.

12) Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But desire fulfilled is a tree of life. 13) The one who despises the word will be in debt to it, But the one who fears the commandment will be rewarded. 14) The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, To turn aside from the snares of death. ~ Proverbs 13:12-14

Even still, our hope continues to burn bright - not because we're in denial or detached from reality, but because we are anchored to our Lord Y'shua, Who is faithful and Who has continued to remain with us. His presence is tangible. His love remains.


  1. Watch days make the world go round...or rather the sun go round.

    I realized there is nothing better to do than to expect the Lord to do something. I love to think that the Lord is about to do something BIG. Someday... soon our world will turn upside-down biblically... too late, already there. There is extreme evil energy harvesting happening everyday like in the days of Noah and its exponentially increasing and compounding.

    Is the firmament an asymptote or bound to the evil? How much more until reality pops like a pimple? Isn't that the enemy's plan after all? To pop reality like a pimple.

    Better is one day waiting for the Lord than a thousand days not waiting and just living day to day as if nothing will ever happen. The philistines are rattling their shields!!! Of course the Lord will respond. Let us remember that He is our great God, there are none like Him. He is patient and then one day, He will pour out His wrath. What a terrible day that will be!!! I pledge my allegiance to Him now and forever. May the Lord do His will on earth as He does in Heaven.

    And though He tarries, He really isn't tarring. How the Lord conducts his business is perfect... we are to keep watch lest He come like a thief in the night. I pray that I stay awake in this late hour because we are living in the end times!!!

    Tim (NM)

  2. The most frequent admonition I receive from The LORD God is, "Wait for it..."
    We will obey because we must. Love and prayers always lifted for you both and your subscribers.

  3. “God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it’s worth the wait.” Anonymous

    “Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in your mind.” David G. Allen

    “It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die. Than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.” Julius Caesar

  4. The wolf dwells with the lamb ... I have been calling it a time spell to anyone who cares. How was that magik trick done right before our eyes ?! Just one day the whole world woke up and POW the very word of God was changed. When did we enter this twilight zone ?! How could the wizards at OZ become so powerful ?! This is so above our pay grade to handle. I mean, its Job level. Meaning, the Bible actually changed like Job's children perished beneath a roof. The scheme's and plan's of the enemy are real.

    The Bible has been altered by satanic time magik. This is probably just a little warm up and these peaceful days after this "watch season" are probably numbered. Well, most certainly numbered. So, I thank God for granting more days like these peaceful days, but we are in the twilight zone and I really do not want to see the zone past twilight called pitch-black-nightmare zone. I want to see my kids grow up in a normal world but this twilight zone or soon to be pitch-black-nightmare zone has got to go.

    I pray for Y'eshua's kingdom to come and for Y'eshua to do His will. But do I really? Aren't these peaceful days in the twilight zone Okay? And then I remember that only magik could have changed the Bible and that our reality really has been changed and it probably will only get worse as time flow on … until it doesn't. There is a limit to all this madness. One day the lion shall lay with the lamb. And that's how it should be in our Lord's millennium kingdom … not no tricky wolf !!!


  5. Two different women today commented that each of their Christmas Cactus is blooming and that it has never happened this early before, that it had happened early before Thanksgiving but never before Halloween. Also,at our house we saw some time skipping/changes on the computer, needing to reset. Don't know if these events are significant or if others are seeing similar. Will wait for more events to see if these are just small one off events or changing patterns. Thank you both for your work.

    1. Others are reporting some similar oddities.
