The VW logo is seen by many as a 666 logo because each of the three letters V is the 6th Hebrew letter, vav. But that's not the only Occult code that is being leveraged by the brand! Volkswagen has been the world's largest auto manufacturer and despite the "DieselGate" scandal, it remains one of the most iconic and beloved! It's like - magick!
Because of content restrictions, the YouTube version is missing some notable content. For that reason, we recommend the full version on Brighteon.
Code 54 - VW and The Love Bug

(content limited "YouTube-ified" version)
Curious about the pending reset of time? Yes - it's still a thing! See
The Pending Reset of Time
Thank You brothers for your tireless work in serving. The depth of the reality of this world is beyond horrendous.I am standing my watch
Love and blessings in Y'shua!