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We pick up where we left off, giving our attention to the scene where the magicians make their plan. This plan features the turning back of the clock, in Eliot's own words, and that expression implies reversing time or going back in time. This is a key part of the plan in the SyFy show's fictional plot, and it's a key part of a plan in reality as real magic is performed by real magicians. When Eliot says, "There is no uncrucial portion of this," we should know that this is for our benefit!
Part 3 |
Part 3 (full HD version for streaming or download)
Find the links to the entire series in our "Playlist" here: Decoding "The Magicians" Finale
English “Gematria” Calculator - Occult Code Discovery App
Time-binding Magick in Media (with Media Player Code Calculators)
The transcript notation can be interpreted according to this Key:
ET means Elapsed Time from the beginning, counting up from 00:00.
TR means Time Remaining to the end, counting down to 00:00.
Words are all-capped to call out the time words
Gematria values are shown in the scripted dialog with a dash and number, sometimes multiples e.g. "love-54-54"
We sometimes indicate values that have relevant factoring, like 216 (6x6x6) and 252 (12x21), or are equivalent values like 540 and 504
Highlights from the planning session
Eliot: Now, here's the-12 plan. Part the-12 first... Rapture Fillory. Margo-54 and I-54 will go-22-13 to Fillory. Activate-54 Umber's Ark-12. And THEN we go-22-13 to the-21 Clockwork-666 Heart.
Plum: How will you know they're all raptured-113? Everyone?
Josh: WAIT, um, I-54 know a thingy. It's-12 in-13 the-21 castle, so if-12 we just go-22-13 there and grab it...
Eliot: Great. MOVING ON. We will TURN BACK THE CLOCK, and THEN we get-13 ready to say good-bye to Fillory.
Alice-21: With-21 you STILL on it?
Margo-54: Obviously not-13. We need to GTFO-21.
?: You need a traveler.
Margo-54: Twenty-three can't aim. His-216 pervo buddy Hyman's not-13 speaking to us, Gavin's STILL in-13 the-12 hospital. Oh, Peach=21, or-21-12 whatever your name-21 is.
"Peach"-21: Unfortunately, WHEN-13 I-54 travel its-12 kind of-21-12 through TIME.
Penny: And puts-13 you in-13 the-12 crosshairs of-21-12 a TIME psycho-22 so-11 no-11.
Elliot: MEANWHILE-540 on earth, team-12 world seed-21. Alice-21, Fen, Zelda-21, you will retrieve the-12 seed-21 from its-12 special container-54 and bloom-21 it.
"Peach"-21: Where-22?
Fen: Its-12 in-13 my vagina-54.
Margo-54: Okay(*666) Peach-21, I-54 get-13 you're-504 nervous but this isn't our-54 FIRST donkey-88 show which-21 leads me to something actually crucial to the-12 plan. No presh, but NEW-12-252 Fillory better have-216 a wellspring-54-54. Or-21-12 we (TR41.47) PERMANENTLY lose-21 magic.
--- Time-Binding * @ TR41.47 which is ET6.02 - It's "0:05:625" Ark of the Covenant code.
Alice-21: The-12 spell says we can make-12 the-12 Seed-21 anything, so it should be doable-21.
Eliot: Great. NOW... Questions anyone-88?
Margo-54 No? And break-222.
okay*666 x 3
Go-22-13 let's go-22-13
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