“The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability.”
“Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain.”
The Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox
“Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain.”
The Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox
Ritual sodomy specifically stimulates what's called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but ritual sodomy is the preferred means that appears to have no real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism.
I've presented the following in an earlier post but it certainly bears repeating in this context.
“The secret tradition of magical Tantra teaches that the anus is an ultrasensitive erogenic and psychic zone directly linked the Muladhara, the basal Chakra. Hidden within Muladhara, Boiled and compressed like a spring, lies the primal power of the nervous system manifest as the Snake Goddess, Kundalini. The terminus for the "pipe of flesh" is the anus, composed of an internal anal external sphincter, rings of muscle surrounding a body orifice. The word "sphincter" means a "knot" or a "band" and is derived from the same Greek base as "Sphinx," the mythological beast epitomizing occult mysteries. The master of Tantric sex magic opens the anal sphincters of his Shakti, thus solving the riddle of the Sphinx. Anal intercourse is a specific Kundalini arousal method. Reference to Gray's Anatomy reveals the existance of an irregular, oval-shaped gland between the rectal wall and the tip of the tailbone, or coccyx, called the "coccygeal body.'' Although the function of this gland is unknown to Western physiologists, it is established in Tantra as the "Kundalini gland."”
Sodomic mind control quotes - (Ecstasy through Tantra) by Dr. Jonn Mumford p. 61
Sodomic mind control quotes - (Ecstasy through Tantra) by Dr. Jonn Mumford p. 61
In the Bible, serpents and birds of the air, most particularly unclean birds that eat carrion, are symbols of the devil and demons. You can compare the bird of the bird-wedjat-serpent to this vulture, linked here. It's a match. However, I think the more important identification is as a Benu bird, with an ancient Egyptian connection to Osiris. The black heron feathers of the Order of the Garter hat link to the Benu bird because the Benu is represented as a grey heron, which has black head plume feathers.
“In the Book of the Dead from the New Kingdom, however, the Benu is represented as a grey heron (Ardea cinera), with two long head plumes and a straight beak. Though primarily associated with Atum and Re, the resurrection aspect led to an association with Osiris and the heron was sometimes depicted wearing the 'atef' crown.” (The Benu Bird of Iunu (Heliopolis) - The Prototype Phoenix)
The bird perched behind the Wedjat wears the atef crown.
Being able to connect the royals of today with the Egyptian Pharaohs and identify their common sodomite imagery goes far beyond merely scandalous sexual activity. The graphic evidence illustrates the continuity of the serpent's antichrist plot that began in the Garden of Eden. It touches on the Illuminati, every shadow government through history, Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, the Beasts of Revelation 13, Mystery Babylon the Great, MK-ULTRA, the black awakening, Hitler's Third Reich, the mark of the beast, the dominion of the British Empire... While it may sound like a huge stretch to assign such importance to the royal secret of the sodomite gateway but this is how mind control and demonization of the ruling class has been done for a very long time.
Here is another excerpt from the page about the Benu bird.
“The Benu was one of the manifestations of the creator god at Heliopolis. Like him, the Benu was imagined as being self-created, in mythological papyrii from Dyn 21 he is described as 'He who came into being by himself'. He emerged out of the original darkness before creation to be: '...that breath of life which emerged from the throat of the Benu bird, the son of Re in whom Atum appeared in the primeval nought, infinity, darkness and nowhere.'
By the cry of the Benu bird, existence was announced as coming into being. The silence of the primeval night is broken and light and life is brought to creation.
This is no minor deity but, to quote Rundle Clark: "the herald of all things to come" and an aspect of the creator god himself. From the 'Isle of Fire', the mythical place where the gods were born, beyond the limits of the created world, the Benu comes flying. And the place where it lands becomes the symbolic center of the earth - Heliopolis. On the sarcophagus of the God´s Wife of Amun, Ankhesneferibre, (British Museum) the Benu is perched on a sacred willow tree in the temple.
There are depictions of the heron perching on a cliff or a little piece of land which is rising above the flooded waters. In this way it became an adequate image of life emerging out of the primeval waters at the first time of creation, just like the sun was said to do, and thus symbolising rebirth. This piece of land was called the 'ben-ben' stone, and as the place where the heron landed at the time of creation, it became the sacred stone of Heliopolis. It is seen in the hieroglyph with the sitting heron (G32).”
The Benu Bird of Iunu (Heliopolis) - The Prototype Phoenix
By the cry of the Benu bird, existence was announced as coming into being. The silence of the primeval night is broken and light and life is brought to creation.
This is no minor deity but, to quote Rundle Clark: "the herald of all things to come" and an aspect of the creator god himself. From the 'Isle of Fire', the mythical place where the gods were born, beyond the limits of the created world, the Benu comes flying. And the place where it lands becomes the symbolic center of the earth - Heliopolis. On the sarcophagus of the God´s Wife of Amun, Ankhesneferibre, (British Museum) the Benu is perched on a sacred willow tree in the temple.
There are depictions of the heron perching on a cliff or a little piece of land which is rising above the flooded waters. In this way it became an adequate image of life emerging out of the primeval waters at the first time of creation, just like the sun was said to do, and thus symbolising rebirth. This piece of land was called the 'ben-ben' stone, and as the place where the heron landed at the time of creation, it became the sacred stone of Heliopolis. It is seen in the hieroglyph with the sitting heron (G32).”
The Benu Bird of Iunu (Heliopolis) - The Prototype Phoenix
The Benu bird brings light and life. This is why the black heron feathers appear on the hats of the Order of the Garter. The Benu feathered hat tells us the British royals are today's Pharaohs. It conceals and reveals that those of the Order of the Garter share the secrets of heaven with the ancients, worshiping the same gods in the same ways.
One image is from Vigeland Park, in Oslo, Norway. The artist had an obsession with presenting what he envisioned, and I believe he was enlightened in the sodomite way. His figure represented here appears tightly embracing a pregnant woman from behind, with his serpent tail appearing from underneath the front of her gown and coiling under her belly. He is a feathered and winged serpent.
The bird is also the sodomizer, "owning" the mind and body of the sodomized with full control; a shadow government, essentially.
Kundalini, the feathered and winged serpent god Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, Gukumatz, Viracocha, the nachash (biblical serpent - related to the flying angelic seraph and cherub), the vision serpent, the winged dragons of the Orient, St. George's slain dragon; these are all related to the Benu. It is the phoenix at the center of the tapestry in the U.N. Security Council Chamber. The Benu bird (phoenix) and Benben stone are essentially linked to the sex magick of the sodomite gateway as the secret to the royal power, control, gnosis and illumination, and it is an essential element in the sex magick that serves to ready the day of the dawning of the antichrist Beast.
Of related interest:
Awakening of Kundalini - Vopus
The Pineal Gland : A Stargate To Time Travel
Hi Bob,
ReplyDeleteIt's a little off topic, but I'll share what jumped into my mind when I read this article.
You mentioned that the pyramid cap on an obelisk is called a Benbenet.
For whatever reason (probably because of word association), when I read this line, my thoughts immediately jumped to Jonbenét Ramsey.
It then hit me that her last name is that of a Pharoh (different spelling, but same name).
Furthermore, her father's name is John, essentially making her Ramsey the second.
Ramses II is considered by many to be the greatest of the Pharohs.
Anyone who reads Vigilant Citizen's work would recognize that her death, sadly, has all the fingerprints of a sacrifice, complete with flawed police investigation.
Connecting the symbols surrounding her death only cements the notion that much further.
Hello, who do you conside is : the agency of Isis? I assume it is the Vatican Sodomite Powers at be, what is your thoughts, thanks.
ReplyDeleteWe agree. The worship of the goddess is centralized at the Vatican.
DeleteI elaborate in the studies with these titles that are on The Open Scroll:
The Sign of the Queen of Heaven
Our Lady of the Nations
Our Lady of the Olympics
read the truth here https://plus.google.com/+ColinTaylor333