Some claim that it is because Jupiter has 12 moons that it has this description, but there is a much more compelling way to understand the descriptive reference that does not involve any numberings of moons.
A moon is not a star, technically. Neither is a constellation, technically, but a constellation is a collection of stars. Jupiter is the King or Ruling planet, and Jupiter's crown consists of all 12 zodiacal constellations in a ring. It rules each for one year as it makes its regal way through the heavens, completing a full circuit every 12 years. If each zodiacal constellation of stars can be described as "a star," then each circuit of Jupiter draws a crown of 12 stars in the heavens. It's a very stately and elegant royal procession, and to call it a crown of 12 stars is an apt poetic description.
So much of the symbolism that permeates our age is derived from another pattern that is continuously being drawn in the heavens. The inherent numbers, as well as the forms being traced out, distinctly identify the planet responsible for it. As you consider what I'm sharing with you now, let this speak to you about why Jupiter is called the crown of 12 stars.
The planet Venus completes its characteristic cycle in every 8 of Earth's years. There is what is called, the Star of Inanna, which is, by most conventions, an 8 point star. Think about it. The Star of Inanna, who is Venus, is identified with an 8 pointed star, like how ruling Jupiter is with a crown of 12 stars. The numbers both derive from their periods in Earth years.
Another number is produced during the cycle of Venus because, during these 8 years, Venus makes exactly 13 revolutions around the sun. For this reason, the number 13 is also associated with the planet. Another number arises from the design of the pattern drawn around the sun. Five points are marked off in a ring. If you see a picture of the goddess and she is wearing a crown, sometimes it will have 5 points, or 8, or 13, and this is why, because of the Venus pattern and cycle.
The forms of the pentagram, the rose or other kind of flower, and the familiar stylized heart all derive from this pattern. The spiral that is recognized as a goddess symbol derives from the Venus cycle, because the inherent numbers, 5, 8, and 13, are part of the Fibonacci Sequence, which mathematically describes a spiral as it appears in the natural creation.
The sun is central to the Venus pattern, and because it is central, it is typically interpreted as the goddess giving honor to the sun king. These things all have meaning, both that which is true and has been assigned by the Creator and Author of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that which is a perversion. The perversion is what the Luciferian Illumined and Pagan and idolaters give their attention to, in their worship of the false god.
If you have been paying attention to this blog or our videos and know the symbolism of the Venus pattern is important to witches and occultists and the illumined elite, you know there is a genuine meaning underlying it that is being hijacked. Jupiter is also being honored in our world, perhaps in Washington, D. C. as much as anywhere else in the world. Occultists give the Bible respect as key source material. The understanding of symbolism is their thing, because they understand the power of it, and exploit it as they rebel against the one true God. On the other hand, the Christians they hate so passionately and strive to victimize continually are taken as prey because of our ignorance. Relatively simple things like how Jupiter is the crown of 12 stars is completely misunderstood. And the saints are being led around in circles in confusion by tares and their minions and in the ignorance of others who follow these blind guides by doing what they do. Let's not be so easily led astray. Learn how to interpret figures of speech and biblical symbolism and the meaning of those magical symbols that wallpaper our world, and the magical language being written and spoken all around us.
Every couple of years, or so, I find myself repeating my observation that the sign of Revelation 12 is not happening now. Again, the sign of Revelation 12 is not happening now. The woman being clothed with the sun has to do with positioning. The moon being under her feet has to do with positioning. The crown on her head has to do with positioning. These three elements can not be shifted out of position and still be valid. The crown of 12 stars is all about Jupiter. It can not be considered to have nothing to do with positioning, and neither can the planet be in some location other than the woman's head and remain a sign. Look at the celestial configuration of 2 BC, on September 29, which was the 1st day of the 7th/1st month, the new moon, biblically. That's what the sign looked like.
UPDATE: The new moon of the 7th month was sighted from Israel as the sun was setting on Thursday, September 21, 2017. Yom Teruah has arrived. It's the anniversary of Y'shua's birth!
Bob, the celestial configuration of 2BC, Sept 29, does not even match what Rev 12 is talking about. Firstly, 1) Jupiter is in Leo, not Virgo. 2) Virgo is not going through any rehearsal of pregnancy, nor any indication of what Rev 12:1-2 describe. 3) Jupiter is not on her head, nor is the ecliptic. Nor can the 12 constellations be what is described, since she is one of them. She can't be on her own head.
ReplyDeleteIf you read Aratus' Phenomena, which was just as popular in Paul and John's day, as Homer's Illiad - and from which Paul quoted on Mar's Hill - you will find the common, everyday astronomical understanding of what John was describing. The writing perfectly described Draco as the fiery, red dragon; and Virgo, as understood to have the crown of stars on her forehead (Coma Bernices). Aratus was even from the same province as Paul. Scripture gives us this nod to reassure us of the astronomical understanding, of the seven churches (in that same area), when John wrote the letter to them.
Also, Jesus was fully grown, and an adult, when He told His disciples that the sign of the Son of man would appear, in the future. The Rev 12 sign is a future event, foretold by Christ, about a sign that would rehearse a sign the disciples were already familiar with: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." - Isaiah 7:14
The only change that Christ made, was that He told them it would be seen " heaven" (Matt 24:30). That is what is being rehearsed - in the heavens, not in a human form, like it was the first time.
Because of the event sequence that Christ described, just prior to the sign appearing, we should also expect the time reset to happen just prior to this celestial event that Christ (as an adult) described would be seen. At this celestial date marker, Satan knows his time is short; he will be playing with time before that.
Here are some resources that our ministry has developed on this subject, and is quite divergent from the mainstream teaching about the Rev 12 sign.
Also check out our comparison with what the Wise Men saw, versus what we have seen over the past two years. They heavens are declaring that we need to be looking up...
Daniel, I'll respond to one point."Firstly, 1) Jupiter is in Leo, not Virgo." With that kind of thinking you don't get far. Nowhere does the scripture suggest that Jupiter must be in Virgo. The woman's head is in Leo, according to every sky chart I have seen. If you crown it, it's going to be crowned in Leo, on the woman's head.
ReplyDeleteBob, to clarify, Jupiter all the way over on the other side of Leo, by the heart of the lion is not Virgo. Virgo abuts Leo, but is not Leo; her head is certainly not on the entire other side of the constellation. That's taking your thinking way too far, and certainly wasn't the line of thinking by the Apostle John (a sailor familiar with celestial navigation), nor Paul (extremely familiar with astronomical understanding at that time). I have yet to see a sky chart with Virgo's head over on the other side of Leo. Both ancient and modern sky charts delineate the two, and separate them.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are checking 2 BC, you have to remember that there is no 0 BC or AD, and that there is a 1 year shift that has to be given careful consideration. Otherwise, you find yourself looking at the wrong year, of course. It matters.
DeleteTrue, Stellarium does not adjust for that. Still, Jupiter by the rear foot of the Lion (or anywhere, for that matter) is not a crown. The Book of Revelation was not written to Hogwarts graduates - it was written to the everyday person who had an everyday Astronomy 101. There is absolutely nothing about 2BC, Sept 29 that matches the Rev 12 description, nor makes it unique. Using Jupiter as some fictitious crown, you might as well say it matches the February's leap day.
DeleteThere is no reasonable, historical reason to even consider the Rev 12 sign from an occult perspective - especially when the Bible tells you exactly what the astronomical perspective of Asia Minor, and the Apostles was. Do not try to weave occult insight into Biblical signs. You will just blind yourself to how simple the signs really are. They are meant to be seen, and understood - and identifiable, with specific, verifiable dates and occurrences.
Also, as mentioned before, there is zero indication of Virgo being "with child" on your 2 BC date. The Rev 12 sign clearly states that John could see that she was "with child, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered." She is a virgin. She is known for being *not pregnant.* You must have some celestial occurrence to convey pregnancy (in a virgin), and a length of duration that also lets you know that she *has been* pregnant for some time - and that she is just about to give birth. What we are seeing now rehearses what was not done. It's identifiable, confirmable, and historical.
Delete1 Corinthians 11:19
DeleteBob - I find myself really truly appreciating your current entry. It became obvious to me about 8 years ago that occultist knew things about the Bible Christians didn't, and that we believers were woefully uneducated. What's worse is that so-called Church leaders show absolutely no inclination about fixing that situation. They've kept members just as ignorant as always. It really does grieve me to say that. I've asked our Father for help in understanding the symbols,( in astrology, astronomy, numbers, etc. ) and in giving me courage and stamina to see and understand even the darker meanings of the symbols occultists cherish and use so often ( wallpaper, indeed! ) . Thanks for your help in this quest and I eagerly look forward to more of what you have to share. By the way I happened to be talking to my teenage daughter about a subject related to this particular entry, so I know she will love this one when I show it to her. Thanks again! Trace
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that, brother. Being able to see and to shine a light is an awesome privilege.
ReplyDeleteCan you direct me to the star-lore of the planet Saturn.