There's more childrens charity material in the queue but before I continue that line I'm going to follow up on yesterday's post with some more sodomite Isis magick imagery in the Pop and in the Royals cultures.
When Prince William married in 2011, the rather bizarre hat worn by his cousin caused a bit of a stir. Some, who weren't completely baffled, referred to Princess Beatrice's unflattering hat in unflattering terms. Technically and in polite terms, the hat was called a fascinator but it was popularly labeled the “toilet seat” hat. I believe that's a valid observation, and even an allusion intended by the designer! I'll explain why shortly. The symbolism I see in this hat interprets on many layers to signal that Princess Beatrice is an illuminated Monarch sodomite, a mind-controlled slave and Illuminati witch. This is entirely consistent with the Royal brand, the Order of the Garter being one example. For another example there's the reptilian nachash dress Princess Eugenie wore to the London Olympics.
Monarch slaves are third eye illuminated, and you can easily see the scaled up bindu, the third eye, with radiant waves. The front view presents the cap as the bindi within the circle. This is a solar disk, a symbol of the sun deity. If you're going to complete the pattern suggested by the ribbon around the bottom you're going to form it around her eyes in a way resembling goggles. Her strange dark eye makeup invites just that, giving them the appearance of being recessed. Darkened eyes behind goggles.
Eye of Horus illumination traces back to the Egyptian culture where we make the Cleopatra-style eye makeup connection. This hints at Isis, the mother of Horus. The hat is an obfuscated Isis headpiece, a royal Egyptian crown! Picture the ribbon at the bow as the horns.
The name “Isis” means “Throne.” She is the Throne Goddess. In this hat, Princess Beatrice is the Porcelain Throne Goddess, crowned with the Toilet Seat hat!
The “knot” in the bow is the tie that binds, illustrating the bonding that is such a key feature of the sodomite relationship.
In this set of images on left, the wings belong to Isis, who performs her illuminating and regenerative sex magick. The butterfly wings of the royal Isis-throne hat are filled with air.
Is the Princesses hat like an antenna broadcasting a signal, a spell of Isis enchantment? I suspect, yes.
Do you see in the wings of the hat a mirrored pair of 3s? The signal 33 of sodomite Freemasonry? Yeah, this is one trick hat!
The hat also invokes images of sperm, a womb with fallopian tubes, Cthulhu, and what I believe was also intended, Mickey Mouse ears.
Before putting the Throne Goddess behind us (uh, not that way!) a few more iterations of the Monas Hieroglyphica are called for, the contribution of Dr. John Dee who served her Royal Matriarch, QE1.
With over three million views, this video is pretty popular:
The song is pretty simple, musically and lyrically. The songstress changes outfits a few times but the gold Isis costume flashed throughout the video is easily identified, with what seems intended to resemble an Egyptian desert and people for background. The set of screenshots here captures a few key images that illustrate how this Isis is all about eye of Horus sex magick and the sodomite gateway.
The background of the Isis shot looks like a sun ray solar disk. That's the sex magick of Isis bring forth Horus, the rayed black sun, the anal portal and sodomite gateway to illumination.
The second panel shows an array of Isis-Thrones inside the plane, equipped like a military transport plane for paratroopers. Meital is pictured wearing a skimpy Apollo-golden paratrooper outfit with high heels, which are used in fashion to signal presentation for sodomy by elevating the rear.
See the beams of light flooding from her eyes? Yeah. Take a wild guess what that's telling us.
She's falling, singing the line from which the song title is taken. “I wanna be on ya, on ya, on ya.” “On Ya” is obviously a reference to being in the dominant position in sexual intercourse. She wants to be on ya like Isis, hooking you up with the illuminating sex magick of the sodomite gateway! “On Ya.”
The bottom panel contains another solar disk of the sun god Horus. It's another symbol of the sodomite portal that opens the third eye. It's also another clever reference to the sex magick of Isis because of the fan connection. The blades of the jet engine are fans.
Yeah, the Adversary is clever and his worshipers are very committed. Royals and celebrities rule the world with their signs and symbols, and who perceives the role these play? The reason for the second commandment is exploited all the day long, and we're easy prey. Lord help us see what we're looking at. Forgive us for our rebellious ways, for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Set us free from the pharmakeia, the sorceries of Mystery Babylon. I pray, Lord of the Harvest, asking as you have led that you would send forth workers into your Harvest Field, in Y'shua's name, the risen and returning Lord Jesus Christ.
Fascinating post; thank you!
ReplyDeleteI read this part of a sentence: "high heels, which are used in fashion to signal presentation for sodomy by elevating the rear," and immediately thought of the song "Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys" by the band Traffic. Wow.
ReplyDeleteI was I already onto the idea that boys are dressed as girls in Luciferian/Freemason ritual sodomy (and in all of their mediatized programming). Your comment inspired my recognition that what the "artists" (ugh, no!) refer to as "the low spark" is the traumatizing lightning-bolt that moves through their small body/mind/spirit/soul complexes during ritual sodomy via the severe perturbation of the coccygeal gland, wherein rests the coveted oocyte fetal cells which are the male "spark of life."