“Children were originally committed to the school for serious criminal offenses, but state law was later amended to include those convicted of minor incidents such as truancy. Middleton and Cooper are among the so-called "White House Boys," a group of men who claim they were lashed unmercifully with a leather strap in a cottage known on the campus as the "White House" in the 1950s and '60s. Cooper said he barely survived a 135-lash beating in the White House. Inmates also told of rape, isolation, hog-tying and other atrocities. Some said they saw boys led away, never to return. And they remembered a graveyard, eventually grown-over and containing 31 unmarked crosses made of pipe.”
USF researchers find 19 more graves at Dozier School for Boys
USF researchers find 19 more graves at Dozier School for Boys
This recent report of abuse is an example of where the focus of attention is on a localized set of abusers. What gets left out is what's really important, which is the fact that abusers are part of an organized network of ritual abuse and programming. Their activity is sanctioned by the authorities and support may be offered both ways in that secret relationship. Why are the reports limited? Who do you think owns and controls the media? The fact that mass murderers are programmed is highlighted in a book by David McGowan titled Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder, which I gave some coverage a few days ago in Part 59 - The Sodomite Gateway - The GAACSAO, Whistleblowers and Operation...Smile.
An interesting list appears at this link: Gay Mass Murder Trend “Homosexual Mass Murderers, Etc: (This is a raw copy and paste from one section of one of the thousands of note files on Bob Enyart's AL the 6th computer.)” Gay, that's right - sodomites. Cannibals, too.
Which brings me to this report, which suggests the man's programming is breaking down and it's time for some rehab / reprogramming. Buffalo FBI Agent Allegedly Pantless On Thruway
Father Carves Pentagram into Son on 12-12-12: Police
Update: 12/13: Oregon mall gunman lived 'one crazy life'
Thanks LisaMMH!