Saturday, January 14, 2023

The "22" Returns Back 'where it all began' - The sign of the signing!

In this video: In our local sports news, there's a lot of excitement for the return of a former star to the Pittsburgh Pirates. We're excited too, not for what it means to baseball fans but because we recognize some familiar and VERY IMPORTANT things being signaled!

The "22" Returns Back 'where it all began' - The sign of the signing! (full HD version for streaming or download)
The "22" Returns Back 'where it all began' - The sign of the signing!
The "22" Returns Back 'where it all began' - The sign of the signing!

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: The Pending Reset of Time

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Andrew McCutchen adds to 79 (Reverse Reduction) which is the 22nd prime.
