Whoops, did I get that image right? Uh - yup! This comic book cover is supposed to be upside-down. The temples of freemasonry have their checkerboards on the floor, not on the ceiling!

Compare these images. One is the inverted cover of the Superman comic from January 1967. The next one is a popular image of the Masonic Royal Arch. Then, there's the cover of the first Harry Potter book, The Philosopher's Stone. Do you notice anything in common? I have been saying there's VERY INTERESTING imagery and insight coming, and this is what I was referring to!
When you begin to see it and the common elements come to your awareness, it really gets to the point of seeming almost ridiculous. When you put these images together that come from seemingly unrelated sources and contexts, it really becomes obvious that there's a conspiracy at work. You can't lay the blame at the feet of the front men of freemasonry. It goes deeper, all the way to hell, to Tartarus, the Nephilim demons in the pit and the serpent dragon himself.
Let me explain about the Superman cover. The Masonic checkerboard floor appears between two columns.

We see the two thunderbolts of Zeus on the heavenly side, touching the heavenly male pillar, a feature I had noted in the last post. On the opposing side, the letter A in Action Comics is now a big yellow downward pointing delta, signaling "daughters of men."
Here's another element that's pretty sneaky.

But wait - THERE'S MORE!
See the big green leaf up high on the left? Great Caesar's Ghost! :) Is that the tree of knowledge of good and evil himself! By the way, that's an interesting placement of the left hand, there, on the left side.

On the right side, the placement of the Masonic compass and square under the Royal Arch compares to Superman's diamond shield, over which they could be overlaid quite nicely.
And, let's not miss the shooting star in the Royal Arch, represented in the Superman cover by the discreet motion tracings of the opening door.
The letter G under the Royal Arch with the illuminating rays emanating from it seem to relate to Alan's radiant chrome dome/white hair. (I can write chrome dome - I've got one too!)
I would relate the Masonic shield to the Action Comics banner on the basis of their common "sons of god with the daughters of men" symbolism, but I don't want to get carried away. Oh right. Too late.
And there's more. Until next time, Lord willing!
Your comments hold substance my friend.
ReplyDeleteSuperman has the big S on his uniform. The S is actually a snake. You can see it if you look at it.
Superman is obviously a fallen angel.
top blog dude.. blessings