This is recommended for mature people who are not SRA DID because content here may be triggering.
You can watch it here: [video] Illuminati mind control - "Bimbo's Initiation" - MK-ULTRA - Monarch mind control
The sodomite clues begin early. During the opening credits we hear singing that we come to understand as the secret society members' voices.
We are the members of Do It Or Die
The eye, the eye, the eye
Watch us make Bimbo as easy as pie
The eye, the eye, the eye
We are tough, you bet
filled with college pep
Bring him on we cry
The eye, the eye, the eye
The eye, the eye, the eye. That's THREE eyes - because it's about the third eye, the initiation and opening of the third eye.
Bimbo walks casually down the street and falls into an uncovered manhole (slang ~ man hole ~ anus) and slides down the (poop) chute. Bimbo is pooped out into the room through an orifice that looks to have a sphincter.
Poor Bimbo. The brotherhood awaits his arrival at the end of the chute, wagging what looks like their naked butts. With a minute degree of plausible deniability they could be considered to be wearing some type of robe. They hold a paddle poised on their backsides with a nail in it, obviously for “nailing” someone in the backside. They have candles on their heads that signal third-eye illumination. This is the illumination through ritual sodomy, obviously.
“The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this vile act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is installed. In the King James Bible, Legion is referred to as an, "unclean spirit". This is systematically done to have complete control over the child, like creating a programmed robot.”
The Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox
The Master Plan of the Illuminated Rothschilds: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox
When Bimbo finds himself in the presence of these characters he's more than intimidated, he's terrified. The head honcho (The Worshipful Master) does a little song and dance routine, asking, “Wanna be a member? Wanna be a member?” While he does this he suggests what kind of member we should have in mind, making distinct masturbation motions, pulling on a handle of this thing that looks a lot like a toilet plunger with a cord coming out of it.
That Bimbo is trapped and helpless was first indicated when “Mickey Mouse” put a padlock on the manhole cover to seal off his exit. When Bimbo has refused the first offer to join the fraternity he finds himself confronting the reality of his captivity. He's isolated and secretly watched by the amused members. The room he's in turns upside down and it seems Bimbo is hallucinating, drugged into an altered state with a spirit portal pharmacological concoction, which is typical trauma-based mind control activity. This will help the initiate / victim more easily come to a place of dissociating.
The room's lamp structure pictures the ubiquitous masonic emblem. While it's on the ceiling the structure presents a compass, then, when on the floor, a square. It's sodomy's illuminating squaring of the circle. A member appears in and out of the lamp. He's holding his thing and jerking it suggestively while he does the “Wanna be a member” routine again. He's associated with the light, offering the illumination as one able to provide it, the handler, the sodomizer. A phallic blade sticks through the wall and pokes Bimbo in the butt. Bimbo resists and we see the animated phallus licking its chops as the victim is in range, then becoming like a shark. When another level of danger appears to threaten Bimbo further, that phallic blade's erection is further emphasized.
At this level we see the imminent threat of death, another trauma inducing element of initiation rites. Bimbo encounters a “what's behind the door” game where it looks like he has choices . It becomes evident that there is no real choice. Bimbo is only ever the victim here. The only option is to ride a bike that is a butt spanking machine, self abuse. His butt is set on fire. The bike then takes him into the room of the lodge or temple with masonry walls and the standard Masonic checkerboard floor. There's a kind of a baptismal pool. His butt is really burning, so he jumps in for relief. That baptism is a shattering. The trauma has now caused him to dissociate, to split into multiple alters.
The dynamic has now changed. Betty Boop appears, a temptress, teasing him with an invitation to “Come inside, big boy.” Instead of Bimbo fleeing for escape as a terrified victim, he's become an aggressor with a sex drive. All the doors that appear as he tries to follow represent the Monarch programming's multiple doors and rooms of his alter personality construct being built. The one at the core is him, as he is scooped up, swallowed whole in the center of the layered zones created for defense. The doors all close and a lock falls into place. This phase of the mind-controlled slave's programming is complete.
Bimbo slides on his butt down another chute, then runs through a kind of gauntlet, being traumatized and threatened with mutilation and death, further supporting and refining the programming. It looks like the halls of Masonry. He descends down a spiral staircase as he is, again, repeatedly whacked in the butt. The spiral staircase suggests that even DNA level changes are occurring, really changing him into a post-Bimbo slave.
When he reaches the ground there's still more masonry, and he runs with his giant shadow alongside. You should understand in this how Bimbo is actually the shadow, dissociated from his body. His shadow's head is decapitated to illustrate how he himself has no mind of his own, no will or control. The body detaches from the shadow to illustrate how he has no real control over that physical body.
Yet another life threatening trauma inducing gauntlet is run where his heart appears as an external separate object. He eats it. Cannibalism and blood trauma.
When he exits that gauntlet he still refuses membership. But then, he sees what looked like the illuminated mason guy revealed as Betty Boop, tossing away a Mason suit. Bimbo has changed. His will has no voice any more. Despite his best effort to resist, he has become illuminated, seeing what he has been programmed to see. See in this how it's not really Betty Boop who had been wearing a Mason disguise. It's really a Mason, who now appears to him as Betty Boop, which is to say a desirable sex object. She does a sleazy little dance for Bimbo and spanks her own butt repeatedly, so we get the point that this now sexually attractive Lodge member is his new sodomite sex partner. The programming has transformed Bimbo. Wanna be a member? Bimbo says yes. The curtain goes up and we see the audience, the gallery of secret society members. They all pull off their brotherhood suits and become Betty Boop clones, dancing like dance hall girls. All now appear as potential sex partners to Bimbo. In his celebration dance, now he gets to spank his partner's butt. Argh.
In the historical development of the Betty Boop character I find something very interesting when considered in the context of Bimbo's Initiation.
“However, in August 1930, a Rubenesque poodle-human hybrid, Bimbo's girlfriend, made her screen debut in Dizzy Dishes, and quickly became Fleischer's biggest star; she would later be named Betty Boop. By 1931, Betty's floppy canine ears had evolved into hoop earrings, and she was transformed into a fully human girl (though she retained her romantic relationship with the dog for several episodes after her transmogrification).”
Max Fleischer - Wikipedia
Max Fleischer - Wikipedia
First, she is a hybrid, a chimera, Nephilim. Second, she is part dog, which is known to be a reference to a sodomite or male prostitute. Bimbo was a dog. Those responsible for Bimbo's Initiation knew about these kinds of things. This is the dirty little secret behind the Bimbo and Betty Boop identities. Betty was a secret transvestite or a hermaphrodite, a sodomizer.
Max Fleischer was Disney's competition, but where Disney went for the kids, Fleischer's offerings were more adult, even seedy. This was a two pronged assault on the world using this new cartoon medium. They knew things, evil things.
One of the things concealed and revealed in the esoteric cartoon is something I don't mind at all. When we first see Bimbo he's casually walking down the street. He see-saws over one manhole cover, then two more. The 4th is uncovered and he falls in! Given the context, that has to be taken as signaling the three things then a fourth pattern that identifies 2012-2019 as the season of fulfilled hopes and dreams. It is for the illuminists who worship Lucifer, and it is for me, just for very different reasons. Come Lord Jesus!
very enlightening. I appreciate your work!
ReplyDeleteGreat work! Fleischer of course, is also the master cartoonist of Superman, an antichrist figure.
ReplyDeleteThanks Cherie! Blessings in Y'shua!
ReplyDelete(multiple posts due to character restriction/limit)
ReplyDelete(Part 1)
WHOA! This cartoon is about an individual wanting to remain one without a group association (at least no group association other than the least common denominator, male and female). The funniest thing about the toon is that a doppelganger of Mickey Mouse jumps out and locks Bimbo in the trap which suggests to me that, not only was this trap set by Disney BUT it is Disney who wants to keep people there in that place. I have heard (but don't know if true) that Disney prepared films giving orders to the corporation so that after he died he could go on giving orders! So, it is Disney saying "Join or die"666, not Fleischer, lol...Fleischer is saying "look, here is what the objective of my competition is". Add to all of this that the great I AM is an individual, not a collective group, and you will start to see the truth. If Jesus was a collective group he would be described as the great "WE ARE" not "I AM". Why, why, why are you so hung up on this idea that any of these images depict sodomy? Wow. And the thing that you describe as "this thing" and jerking the string somehow has a connection to sodomy and bizarre sexual practices? How about this: the cup on the stick with a string coming out of it that you call "this thing" is representative of the fact that water (or any liquid) takes on the shape of whatever cup (group) you put it in. Tugging on the line that protrudes from the cup is a clever way of drawing your attention to this. Fleischer is saying that Corporate Disney is all about forcing people into it's different shaped cups so that they will lose their individuality and collectively take on the shape of the vessel that they choose to go into by their own freewill. If you take the water out of the cup it does not retain the shape of the cup (unless your freeze it and even then it expands beyond the borders of the cup), so the man who made the cup determines the shape of the collective water molecules that go into it. This is Fleischer saying Disney does not believe in free will and further that Disney thinks that people have no right to freewill or rights of the individual no more than a collection of water molecules. When you go before the Judge, would you rather go as an individual and accept individual responsibility for your acts alone, or would you rather stand with a group with everyone being condemned for what one or two members of the group did? The only time we are to assemble as a group is in the Body of Christ...This do in re-membrance of Me. That means to recall by reassembly in the truth.
You're welcome to reject the imagery as sodomite, and take any interpretation you like. Many of us see the sodomite layer because it's there, over and over again. Present in symbol with myriad variations on the theme. It makes sense because this is so vital for them in the worship of the god they serve.
DeleteThe line in the lyrics is "The eye, the eye, the eye." It's 3 eyes, because it's about the 3rd eye. It's Bimbo's initiation, which is the opening of the 3rd eye. This has always been the sodomite secret. Crowley made it pretty obvious that the eye of Horus, on the physical level, is anatomical.
Well, if that's true its just disgusting. It sound's more like D.I. x 3 to me which steers me more toward DI-sney, but it's hard to tell listening to a recording from 1931. In case you didn't know, the tune Bimbo is whistling before falling down the trap is "Go in and out the window", and the music at the start of the initiation is "The Vamp" 1919. I thank God no one asked me to join a fraternity in college because I was lonely and vulnerable at that time in my life and so may have agreed to join simply to be a part of a group and have friends (probably why these organizations target and use college fraternities to recruit). I think they left me alone because they could tell I was not greedy...therefore, they could not use me. You have to be a combination of poor, smart and greedy and not just poor and smart to be tapped by them I suppose. Thanks for your reply.
DeleteI appreciate your thoughtful dialog. I'm glad you weren't targeted. I avoided involvement too, and am so glad of that. Thanks for the info about the music. "Go in and out the window" is a rather mindless song about repetitive ritual and engaging with a partner. How fitting. The Vamp, evokes the vampire and she-devil mythos. also fitting.
DeleteThe sodomy is just one aspect of the utter depravity of the abusers. All will be brought into judgment in the Lord's appointed times. He's able to sort it all out. May we find mercy in the Lord Jesus Christ while it may be found.
(part 2)
ReplyDeleteI would be the first to agree that you are welcome to your interpretation, otherwise, my own argument is moot. Did you notice that each one of the group members have unlit candles on their heads? This is an attempt to show that a member of this group is walking in darkness and has no access to the Light of Christ because they chose to sacrifice their individuality for the "privilege" of joining the group. The imagery in this cartoon is terrifying, but I would rather fear the truth than walk off into oblivion in a comfortable lie. The manhole (and don't forget the cover) is analogous to the hazards of a few men's attempts to corral and group people in the confines of an artificial and MAN-made society (one nation under Disney, et al vs. one nation under God). So the manhole is access to the sewer which is representative of the waste produced by modern society. The manhole COVER is representative of the fact that while modern society is engineered to allow for and even encourage waste (that perpetuates a very fine living for the architects of society) , the designers of the system still had a legal obligation to maintain respect for every individual who might pass the access points...a legal protection for the individual to keep them from falling into it unaware. So, when Bimbo does fall into the trap set for him by Mickey Mouse (Disney), Mickey comes along a throws an obscenely huge lock on it as if to say (Mickey's voice) "Ha, ha! Gotcha!".
(part 3)
ReplyDeleteThe end of the cartoon is the hope of Max that anyone caught in this Disney Trap (didn't Disney do a film called the Parent Trap?, lol) might resolve their predicament by only assembling with the least common denominator among human beings on Earth. Bimbo is a male doggie and this pre Betty Boop character is a female doggie. A marriage of male and female, a sacred ordinance that the Jews rightly believed made them whole and brought them closer to God. So, Bimbo said "NO!" to all the other groups to arrive at the only one which God would have any respect for: marriage of male and female. The reason Bimbo fell in the hole that was not covered in the first place is because he was too care-free and unobservant, possibly thinking that society had an obligation to protect him "en totale" rather than acknowledging his obligation to look after himself. This is exhibited by his teetering on the first three man hole covers only to fall into the fourth that was uncovered. This also represents the Hebrew respect for the number three and so he naturally fell into the fourth because he was not obedient to his obligation to respect his religious beliefs (God's law) over and above the so-called safe guards of society (or man's law). Bimbo "overstepped" if you will, hoping that man's law would protect him.
(part 4)
ReplyDeleteThat we can talk about this and have differing opinions prove that the corporate notion of building a society based on man's law with a profit motive is fundamentally incorrect...otherwise, it would be impossible for me to have an opinion that was different from yours. This is an old example of so called "Hollywood Jew" who, by this example at least, was not a bad person. Hell, when you look at the decay of modern society with all its homosexuals demanding rights as a group instead of acknowledging their natural God-given individuality, and blacks demanding group rights, and whites demanding group rights, etc., the original intent of this work seems obvious to me. Here is a work that supports marriage between male and female and yet some people condemn it rather than see it for, I think, what it is. It would be negligent of one to approach an interpretation of this work from a purely post-modern Christian perspective. Max Fleischer is a Jew. The bicycle that goes nowhere is analogous "a ruthless cycle" perpetuated by the architects that do not want one to escape from their menagerie that keeps them in delusional positions of superiority, power and wealth. They don't like individuals at all. That's the who purpose of forming a corporation for profit: so that the individuals who make up the body of the corporation can somehow escape individual liability. You will notice also that the city-scape that Bimbo is first walking through (before he falls into the trap) is unkempt and dirty and falling apart. This supports the idea of obscene profits and power for the few architects even while their society creation and the people that fill their containers live in poor conditions. You see this again on the conveyor belt in the upside down room...there are endless cigar butts and trash being conveyed on a perpetual floor, and the mechanics of this is meant to force Bimbo to walk through endless poverty otherwise he will be bitten in the arse by the fail safe (knife) put in place by the architects to ensure obedience. So maybe there is one reference to sodomy but it is a warning from the architects that if Bimbo does not continue his perpetual walk through poverty, then he will be sodomized by the architects or cast down amongst the Sodomites (reference the warden making that statement in "The Shawshank Redemption".
(part 5)
ReplyDeleteBimbo is in a prison and must do as he is told...there is no escape. Finally, Betty sticks her head around the door and beckons Bimbo toward an escape route out of this madness. Problem is, he is now deep inside of the architects machine and there are so many doors to open and traps pass before arriving at self-made traps (Bimbo's shadow) all of which are designed to keep him where he is. Both mechanical and psychological manipulation. If he overcomes the mechanical, he still must overcome the psychological. He turns away from his shadow and the shadow shrinks into nothing only to encounter yet more mechanical traps (the architects last resort at keeping him contained). He then arrives at "a testing" area where Betty has disguised herself and taken the form of these secret society guys to make sure he is worthy to be her mate after all he's been through. In other words, she wants to make sure he will not give into temptation since she intends to marry him. What good girl would want a weak guy who would possibly give into these temptations after they were married and cause her a lot of grief? So the final scene of them dancing is like what you might see at a traditional Jewish wedding where the male acknowledges and pays respect to the female and the female acknowledges and pays respect to the male. That all the other girls looks like Betty is meant to convey the idea that it is not just about Bimbo and Betty but is ALSO about male and female union. So, those secret society guys asking if he wants to be a member IS NOT Betty and her clones unless you use the analogy that the fall of man into this decrepit state has a direct correlation to Eve's betrayal. BUT, while we are fallen and separated from God and Eden because of the betrayal of Eve, so then also is Eve (or woman) the way back to God for a man just the same as the way back to God for a woman is a man. Adam is created in the image of God, male and female, only for God to remove the female from Adam to create Eve. So, you see that by the end of the cartoon, Bimbo has a new appreciation for God's law which allows him to return to into the presence of God and escape the machinations of man's depraved and corrupt society. The end.
I appreciate your perspective...I just don't entirely agree with it, but its good to talk about such things.