I'm not making any kind of political statement with this post by favoring one candidate or party over another (as per 2 Timothy 2:4), just calling attention to what we're being shown. I'll personally be rather surprised if we actually have a presidential election this year, or ever again. To make a simple statement about what national politics is all about, I composited an image of the GOP candidates with an one from the viral I, Pet Goat II video, updating the title with the version incremented to reflect the addition of new puppets on the stage. It's “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” - but of course “we” will get fooled again (with reference to The Who's rock anthem).
So, here's my take on the Romney brand. Blue guy enlightens red guy. The colored letters are shaped to resemble a 3, together; 33, the degree of Freemasonry that graphically illustrates the buttocks. This should be familiar to those of you who remember Part 25 - The Sodomite Gateway - Rosetta Stones Yielding the Secret of the Masonic 33.
If that's all new to you, you may want to catch up. This unpleasant matter is a shockingly big deal. Series Links: The Sodomite Gateway
The fancy R is the commonly stylized Horus Eye, with the kicked out leg like the Rx but lacking the cross. That's blue guy Horus doing the dirty deed, as per Dr John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica. (Series Links: See, it's the "i" of Horus!) The eye of Horus activation is the third eye activation.
The three part logo gives a nod to the coming triple helix DNA transformation. As a 3+3+3 we can derive 9, the single digit mark-of-the-beast number. When the letter is used in a signaling context, like this one, another dynamic in play is due to the position it holds in the alphabet, 18. 6+6+6 and 1+8=9
Mitt Romney is Mormon, LDS, and there's a strong historical connection with Freemasonry. The Romney logo lends itself to substitution with the 33 degree imagery, which you see here in a couple examples. Do I have evidence Romney is a Freemason? No, and I don't see that matters at all. He wouldn't be in the game as a player if he wasn't the Illuminati puppet as illustrated in my I, Pet Goat III mockup. Has he been illuminated? Or, rather, could he have escaped it? Illumined mind-controlled slaves are commonplace, and cover has been blown on the SRA enlightenment routine: That only happens one way.
By the way, if you know the secret of the Masonic apron you know what's up with Romney's secret underpants. (Genesis 3:7,21)
The Romney logo is evil genius. Sponsored by Satan. Just like his opponents. Soon, the puppet show will change. This stage is going away, to be replaced by another. You're not going to like that one either, but the Lord is bringing an end to these stages and puppet shows. The puppet master is nearing the end of his career. I do so long for that day, when my Lord establishes His kingdom in the earth!
Hey Buddy,
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Mit and the Mormon collective don't appreciate you shining the light of truth on their secret underpants. They might find it to be poor form to discuss their "sssshhhhhhhorts" in a public manner.
With that being said, excellent work!
With regards to your last comment, 'when my Lord establishes His kingdom in the earth', this is something that's been concerning me. I'm fairly new to Christianity and there are still some things that I can't work out. One of them is whether or not the Kingdom is on earth or in Heaven. I've read articles, quoting scripture, that supports both positions. As I've read a few of your articles (and intend to read more) and enjoyed them, I wondered how you came to your understanding on this.
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance,
The Lord will establish his Kingdom in the Earth, as per Daniel 2 as a stone cut out of the mountain without hands. The stone Daniel saw that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
DeleteDidn't Jesus say, "my Kingdom is not of this world" (Jn.18:36)?
DeleteDidn't he also say, "in My Father’s house [which I take to be Heaven] are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you... I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jn.14:1-3)?
Your confusion is due to imprecision. Mind the details in each context. Seek the Lord in it, for the holy spirit's leading is required.
DeleteThanks for your reply. I have sought the Lord and I'm actively seeking an answer to the question. With respect, your response was a little on the cryptic side. It seems I'm faced with two alternative theories and both proponents suggest guidance by the Holy Spirit.
Indeed it does flood into the main stream. A Moshi Monsters toy was given to my daughter, which horrified me. She didn't want to play with it for long which I was relieved about, and I removed it.
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally I wrote a piece briefly on Moshi Monsters, which is imbued with Satanic intent. Perhaps at some point you'll be able to explore this with greater clarity than I have and connect more dots.
Thank you for your work!
You're welcome. Good insight into the Moshi Monsters, thanks for posting. The logo is a really obvious instance of "i" of Horus signaling, one example among a huge number exploiting the dot in the i.