Try not to notice the shiny vagina.
Here's a screenshot of the official Web page for the pro Bowl. Featured colors of blue opposing red, merging, with white star accents. Just a patriotic theme? No.
White stars = divine angels.
Red = Adam = daughters of men.
Blue - heavenly sons of god.
The merging of the two is their genetic union, offspring.
Hey, please, ignore the vagina the men will be fighting over.
OK, now go ahead and look at the shiny vagina. That's the coveted prize of the game, the Pro Bowl trophy, fringed with “pubic hair” stars. It's flanked by a pair of helmets. Slang: helmet = glans penis. Is this what they intend to signal? See the blue (sons of god) glans pen- uh, helmet? See it framed by an appropriately sized vag- uh, trophy? Uh-huh. See the clitor- uh flower in full bloom with the palm branch? See all the illuminated “flower children” underneath? Yes, this is what they intend to signal.
Opposite that, the big A is a truncated pyramid. Where's the capstone eye of (A for) Apollo/Horus? Hey, there it is! The star is right inline with the row on the pyramid base. That it's an eye is validated by the double arc framing it - matching to the arc of the "trophy" opposite.
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You can stop looking at the shiny vagina now. That prize belongs to Horus. Katy Perry testified boldly about this in her hit song about sex with an alien, E.T.. The reverse speech statement was easily heard and unambiguous. I will not repeat what she said. The video has been blocked from YouTube under the pretext of copyright infringement. If you missed it, you missed out. The devils know what's coming and they brag about it non-stop - forwards, backwards, sideways, inside and out.
I do hope you're catching on and drawing in close to the Lord Jesus, Y'shua HaMashiach, who opens the eyes of the blind. We have been given the opportunity to examine the opposition's play book. This season will quickly pass. Night is coming, when no man can work.
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