The Code 33 class of double X symbols is potent. Its power is wielded by the world's largest corporate enterprise and perhaps the most widely recognized Illuminati family. Exxon, the oil giant, has had this double X variant since 1972. The company derives from others, most particularly Standard Oil, John D. Rockefeller's company. Exxon and Mobil merged into ExxonMobil in 1999. They are the largest refiner in the world and the world's largest company by revenue, so they have something working for them. Their stylized double X branding hasn't hurt, it must be said.
Let's start with the fundamentals. Exxon simply reads, “X On.” The X is the mark of the sun god, and On (or Heliopolis, as it is otherwise known) was the name of the Egyptian center for his worship. X was formerly worshiped in On, but Exxon now flies the flag for his Illumined worshipers around the globe as his expanded domain.
The sun god branding is a perfect fit for their business model because there is an anointing with spirit symbolized by oil, and Exxon
The strong and enduring logo supports this foundational meaning through Horus Eye imagery, which you see illustrated in this collection of images. The Rx we associate with pharmakeia is an ancient shorthand form of the Eye of Horus that resembles the familiar wedjat. A couple forms of EY(E) ON are concealed, as in the all seeing eye on you. The double X resembles a tipped H for Horus.
Exxon also describes the blueprint's roof plan of the pyramids and the famed obelisks of On. The actual form of “X On” presented in the design of the famous wordmark is that of one “X On” a second X, connected. If X represents a pyramid, “Exxon” another X suggests two pyramids, one on the other. We see this on the Great Seal! The “X On” top or superior X is called the Eye of Horus. The capstone is the sun god beast head of the body of worshipers, the antichrist beast ruling his kingdom.
Beyond the sun, pyramid and Egyptian sex magick there is still more sex magick evident as the stylized and connected double X presents a superimposition of both X and Y layers. As representing the male and female sex chromosomes, this ambiguous merging must be recognized as a sex magick symbol.
There's plenty more magickal symbolism encoded into this powerhouse Illuminati wordmark. This collection of images offers a comparison of those I recognize.
The Cross of Lorraine was the symbol of Joan of Arc. It's associated with the Crusaders, the knights of “the quest.” French Jesuit missionaries to the New World carried the Cross of Lorraine (c. 1750-1810.) This symbol was said to have helped them convert the indigenous peoples because the symbol was already familiar. Think about that. If you suspect that means they actually worship the same sun god, I think you're on to something. The Cross of Lorraine is also known as the double cross, a term that means, betrayal.
These symbols are used in the performance of certain kinds of ceremonial magick for demonic binding and invocation and spell casting and the opening of portals.
The tree of life is also represented in the double X tracing of Exxon's wordmark. Such a thing used as a symbol in rebellion against the second commandment represents the counterfeit to the one the Bible describes in Genesis. Always.
As you can see in this descriptive imagery, the familiar Masonic square and compass is another variant of the arcane Sigil of Saturn.
This, all this, may be considered as within the broad range of Code 33 through the double X variant. Of the form of the XX appears the tree of life, the Sigil of Saturn and the unicursal hexagram, which adds even a third between them - XXX.
There's still one more double X brand I want to feature before moving to the next class of Code 33 letter pair symbols. Next post, Lord willing!
ReplyDeleteI left this comment on part 9 and 10, but it may have been even more appropriate here. I believe the XX has another layer of signaling calling attention to the ancient Egyptian gods Atum and Ra and/or Atum-Ra.
Ra= (18+1)=19=1+9=10=X
I do believe this signaling ties into the pervasive Egyptian Sex Magick layer that seems to be everywhere.
Very good input