First up: Calvin Klein. I chose this particular logo variant because it illustrates more levels of Code 33. The cC adds a layer. The word “in” is position at the correct anatomical location for demonstrating a side view of the Vitruvian Man action, sodomy. Calv-IN-Klein. Inside the K are a pair of opposing glans penis, Apollo's arrowheads.
This catalog promo from 2004 features a couple demonstrating the position sodomites call the butterfly.
C & K presents a similar image, identifying the sun god's butt with orange rays. They rotate this, which suggests the form to us as a child, with the C as their head, Horus Eye illuminated.
While we should expect that kind of thing from the fashion industry, and really from those organizations parents trust their children to, we folks tend to let our guard down around the comfortable safety of the diner.
The version at lower left features a weather vane with a rooster over the X, the fowl associated with Hermes. Validating that, the Hermetic Maxim is emphasized with another image of the rooster below, as above. The rooster is a herald of the dawn of Horus as crowing to announce the coming rise of the sun. I should add here that this is actually modeled on the biblical symbolism of the rooster crowing to announce a resurrection. (See The Bridegroom and Bride - Two Years and Counting)
At upper right, the sunny flower conceals a subtle CC, a great light rising out of the green butt. At lower right is the form of the squared circle, and sunrise.
The Candy Kitchen is another opportunity for some sneaky Code 33 signaling. The K appears to be sodomizing the C, with the yellow star (angel) covering the action. That's Horus, called out as it dots the “i” of Horus. “The”=20+8+5=33. The candy cane look underscores it with that subliminal CC allusion.
Below that, Candy Kitchen features a sun god graphic. The sign shape pairing adds to that big circle a square, to repeat the signal made as the straight lined candy wrapper squares the circle of the sun, just in case we missed all the squaring done by every ray. It looks to me like a 3 is concealed in each wrapper of the other candy. They are arranged to suggest the male package, near to the sun anus. Chocolate Covered. Right. A CC class of Code 33.
The Circle K branding is a simple CK graphic. The leg of the K kicks out to square the circle. Red and white ~ Illuminated Adam-kind ~ Code 33!
Sometimes, the CK appears in a more subtle fashion as with Jack in the Box, which has been leveraging their Occult imagery to great effect. On the left you see their earlier branding. The peculiar way they merged the X into the O of “BOX” is one squaring of the circle. The presence of the registered trademark directs us to perceive that image as a wedjat, the seeing eye of Harmerty.
If you follow their lead and keep tipping the off-balance box to the left, you'll have a pair of them on top, XX, or 33, flanking “the” (20+8+5=33). If you accept that the OX is a wedjat eye, assume that the CK-formed X is another eye, and the the E is the third Eye between them!
In the current branding, pictured on the right, the ck is given rather conspicuous attention by wrapping it around the corner. Why? Code 33! A phallic package is also suggested (like with The Candy Kitchen logo above). You can learn more about the decoding of this brand here and here.
The Jack of this brand has a round head. Jack in the Box is the round head in the square box. Remove the eyes and smile from that circle and you have the target style sun god symbol - the sodomizer Horus!
The CK is the secret identity of Superman, Clark Kent. He's always described as being “mild mannered,” and mm~33. Search this blog for what I've already written about some of the Occult themes I've been led to discover. I expect more will be written about this in the series focused on signs of Horus worship, but it certainly deserves attention here in the context of Code 33. If this comic book cover isn't a picture of SRA, what is it? Superman Ritual Abuse! Superman - The Man of Steel: Daniel 2 - Steel-iron + Man-clay. Small wonder that the ET man in tights is so beloved by the LGBT fraternity. Another community of fans includes ministers: Ministry Resource Site. Mystery Babylon is as Mystery Babylon does.
We leave the entertainment media behind for the real world do-gooders at Camp Kindle, but the Code 33 theme of ritual abuse remains. Their CK logo features a sun anus vortex. Three waves ~ Third Eye.
Here's an advance on Code 33 word sums: CAMP = 3+1+13+16 = 33
The image of the archer appears on their current home page. If you're familiar with the sodomite gateway series this scene should be pretty familiar. Fragile traumatized youth are rounded up by an organization whose branding is a celebration of all things Code 33. I'm a huge fan of genuine charity but I'm not a fan of the schemes of predators. Let's ignore the young archer's absurd technique as the pose had to have been staged for the picture (and ignore the arrow missing a feather [Hey - those folks must really squeeze every dime out of the funds received.]) and focus on the symbolism.
Apollo is the archer. The boy's one eye validates that Horus identity. He wears an orange t-shirt, a symbol of ritual sodomy. Sodomy is already in mind here, as the means of how HIV and AIDS are primarily transmitted. See how the j in “project”on the adult's t-shirt pokes the Kindle K in the butt. They seem to be making allusion to the drugstore window scene of Singin' in the Rain, when Don Lockwood poked the Mahout girl's butt with the handle of his umbrella. “J” is the letter numbered 10, a transformed IO for Helios. In Roman numerals, J as 10 is an X. Sun god sodomy. Just what they are project-ing there is clarified by the context. The torch is a classic of arcane symbolism representing the light of the sun, stolen from the heavens and brought to earth to illuminate man. The emphasized red letter I with heart flame calls out an “i” of Horus, which makes the heart-butt at the top just oh-so apropos.
“Oh, how superior is the Eye of Horus to the Mouth of Isis!” (Aleister Crowley, expressing his sexual preference.)
Some Welcome. What kind of Hope is being Ignited to set fire to that kindling?
Thank you Lord, for exposing the snares of the enemy! Soon enough, the corruption of this age will pass away, and the Lord will reveal Himself openly, Who is truly good!
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