Here in this lengthy series of posts are answers to questions you may not have wanted to ask, but should have.
“...and as you join Freemasonry, initially they'll tell you that their G, the G in the square and compass, means God. But then as you go up through the levels, they'll tell you, 'Oh, this stands for Gnosis, knowledge.' But then when you get higher up it stands for the Generative principle, which means, buggering little boys. And I'm not saying that on my own authority. I spoke with the highest-ranking Freemason to defect to Christianity, Jim Shaw, and um, he was a 33rd degree Freemason, and I had a number of conversations over the phone with him about Freemasonry. And um, you know, I got it from the horse's mouth.” Fritz Springmeier on the Hagmann & Hagmann Report - 10/17/13
- Part 1 - The Sodomite Gateway - Gnosis, Illumination and Communion with the gods
- Part 2 - The Sodomite Gateway - Houston, we have a problem
Part 3 - The Sodomite Gateway - Look Out Below!
- Part 4 - The Sodomite Gateway - Bad to the Bone
- Part 5 - The Sodomite Gateway - Seeing Purple
- Part 6 - The Sodomite Gateway - Madonna worships on her knees
- Part 7 - The Sodomite Gateway - Think Outside the Bun
- Part 8 - The Sodomite Gateway - Squaring the Circle
- Part 9 - The Sodomite Gateway - Tools of the Trade
- Part 10 - The Sodomite Gateway - What can Brown do for you?
- Part 11 - The Sodomite Gateway - FedEx - Our Most Important Package is Yours
- Part 12 - The Sodomite Gateway - The Black Sun - Nazi Blight
- Part 13 - The Sodomite Gateway - The Sodomite High Priest of the Romish Sun Cult
- Part 14 - The Sodomite Gateway - National Identity and Gov't School Agenda
Part 15 - The Sodomite Gateway - Regent University, Daughter of Babylon
- Part 16 - The Sodomite Gateway - What's In Her Trunk - The Black Hole Sun
- Part 17 - The Sodomite Gateway - Royal Pains - Order of the Garter
- Part 18 - The Sodomite Gateway - Bimbo's Initiation and Betty Boop
- Part 19 - The Sodomite Gateway - Dirty Pastry Tales - Undercover Black Cocoa Donut and Limp Bizkit
- Part 20 - The Sodomite Gateway - Butterfinger
- Part 21 - The Sodomite Gateway - It's 3 AM and Nestlé Health Science is on the Job
- Part 22 - The Sodomite Gateway - Quik Bunny's Secret
- Part 23 - The Sodomite Gateway - Crowley's Cosmic Clue
- Part 24 - The Sodomite Gateway - For the Love of Chocolate
- Part 25 - The Sodomite Gateway - Rosetta Stones Yielding the Secret of the Masonic 33
- Part 26 - The Sodomite Gateway - PREA - The Prison Rape Elimination Act & Obama Squaring the Circle at the G20: What Can Brown Do For You?
- Part 27 - The Sodomite Gateway - MIB3
- Part 28 - The Sodomite Gateway - Now Trending: Baphomet
- Part 29 - The Sodomite Gateway - M&Ms candy ~ 33 ~ Mason & Mason
- Part 30 - The Sodomite Gateway - G-EYE JOE
- Part 31 - The Sodomite Gateway - “Sodomology” - Behind Today's Headlines
- Part 32 - The Sodomite Gateway - G4S - By the Numbers
- Part 33 - The Sodomite Gateway - Eminem = EM IN *ME, backwards*
- Part 34 - The Sodomite Gateway - Wenlock and Mandeville go “Over the Rainbow”
- Part 35 - The Sodomite Gateway - RomneyRyan Hieroglyphica
- Part 36 - The Sodomite Gateway - AN(13)AL Planet - Surprisingly Human
- Part 37 - The Sodomite Gateway - AOL (America Online) - Filling in the Blanks
- Part 38 - The Sodomite Gateway - Coldplay's Paralympics Closer
- Part 39 - The Sodomite Gateway - Where Is My Guru?
- Part 40 - The Sodomite Gateway - The Wheel of (mis)Fortune
- Part 41 - The Sodomite Gateway - I Donut Want to See That Again
- Part 42 - The Sodomite Gateway - Crown Royal's Secret
- Part 43 - The Sodomite Gateway - Power On
- Part 44 - The Sodomite Gateway - The Yahoo! Portal
- Part 45 - The Sodomite Gateway - The Vitruvian Shriner
- Part 46 - The Sodomite Gateway - Behind Kiwanis
- Part 47 - The Sodomite Gateway - Pedobear and the BBC "Children in Need"
- Part 48 - The Sodomite Gateway - More Childrens Charities with Big Secrets to Conceal and Reveal
- Part 49 - The Sodomite Gateway - Childrens Charities: Ronald McDonald House and The Second Mile - Arrow
- Part 50 - The Sodomite Gateway - Princess Beatrice's Royal Wedding Hat - Isis and the "On Ya" Chakra
- Part 51 - The Sodomite Gateway - Victory Junction and the March of Dimes
- Part 52 - The Sodomite Gateway - Toys For Tots: A Male Train
- Part 53 - The Sodomite Gateway - My Stuff Bags Foundation and Cornhole, the Tailgating Game
- Part 54 - The Sodomite Gateway - Make-A-Wish upon a Fallen Angel
- Part 55 - The Sodomite Gateway - Locks of Love with Butterfly Kiss Wines and My Little Pony
- Part 56 - The Sodomite Gateway - Spirals Hearts and Triangles, Children In Crisis
- Part 57 - The Sodomite Gateway - Children's Services
- Part 58 - The Sodomite Gateway - Open Hearts = GLogo, Unfolded, and CLogo, Halved
- Part 59 - The Sodomite Gateway - The GAACSAO, Whistleblowers and Operation...Smile
- Part 60 - The Sodomite Gateway - CERN, YouTube and Sesame Street
- Part 61 - The Sodomite Gateway - Puss in Boots: The Gold Pooper
- Part 62 - The Sodomite Gateway - CC=33 and the Olay CC Commercial
- Part 63 - The Sodomite Gateway - Pert Plus, P&G and Metropia
- Part 64 - The Sodomite Gateway - Goodwill, Heart-Love in Action
- Part 65 - The Sodomite Gateway - Walmart, Orange you ashamed?
- Part 66 - The Sodomite Gateway - Orange, the Red-Yellow Merger
- Part 67 - The Sodomite Gateway - Orange Video
- Part 68 - The Sodomite Gateway - Orange, Miami Dolphins and Cirque Du Soleil
- Part 69 - The Sodomite Gateway - Orange Children's Services
- Part 70 - The Sodomite Gateway - A Clockwork Orange
- Part 71 - The Sodomite Gateway - Sporting Orange
- Part 72 - The Sodomite Gateway - Vintage Programming: Captain Kangaroo
- Part 73 - The Sodomite Gateway - Programming Structures: Rooms, Doors, Panels and Panes
- Part 74 - The Sodomite Gateway - Code Orange Underground Revival
- Part 75 - The Sodomite Gateway - Umbrella (Orange Version)
- Part 76 - The Sodomite Gateway - Alice in Wonderland's Orange Marmalade
- Part 77 - The Sodomite Gateway - Oranges and Sunshine, of 'Child Migrants'
- Part 78 - The Sodomite Gateway - Alice Adventures at Sundance, While Disney Advances MOB
- Part 79 - The Sodomite Gateway - HOLY tIHS!
- Part 80 - The Sodomite Gateway - Jesuit Values
- Part 81 - The Sodomite Gateway - Daughters of Babylon - Orange Order and Luther's Rose
- Part 82 - The Sodomite Gateway - Super Bowl and New Orleans
- Part 83 - The Sodomite Gateway - Super Bowl's Nuclear Lyrics
- Part 84 - The Sodomite Gateway - Super Bowl Ritual Delta Programming, Suicide and Jeep-USO-Oprah
- Part 85 - The Sodomite Gateway - Heart-Love
- Part 86 - The Sodomite Gateway - Joyful Heart Foundation and the Rev. 13 MPower
- Part 87 - The Sodomite Gateway - Skype and Podomatic
- Part 88 - The Sodomite Gateway - Xbox, MooseHeart Charities and Mastering Life-Pure Passion TV
- Part 89 - The Sodomite Gateway - Orange: Ed Sheeran and Frank Ocean
- Part 90 - The Sodomite Gateway - Quayle's Briefs on the 'Return of the Serpents of Wisdom' and the Rabbit Hole Trip
- Part 91 - The Sodomite Gateway - (un)Safe Refuge
- Part 92 - The Sodomite Gateway - Yoplait ~ YoPLAY
- Part 93 - The Sodomite Gateway - Valomilk, Veggie-Tails and the Purple People Eater
- Part 94 - The Sodomite Gateway - Singin' in the Rain: Classic Umbrella and Hat Magick
- Part 95 - The Sodomite Gateway - Singin' in the Rain: Pharmakeia
- Part 96 - The Sodomite Gateway - Singin' in the Rain: Umbrella Programming
- Part 97 - The Sodomite Gateway - Singin' in the Rain: Cover My Back
- Part 98 - The Sodomite Gateway - Knights, Blinds and Fencing: Securing 'Singin' in the Rain'
- Part 99 - The Sodomite Gateway - Organized Crime's Don Stars in 'Singin' in the Rain'
- Part 100 - The Sodomite Gateway - Hollywood is Still Singin' in the Rain
- Part 101 - The Sodomite Gateway - Come On With the Rain
- Part 102 - The Sodomite Gateway - South Park's Resurrection of Kenny
- Part 103 - The Sodomite Gateway - Mortar Boards, kraprooM and Jagermeister: A Seat at The Table
- Part 104 - The Sodomite Gateway - Monarch Programming is the Height of Fashion
- Part 105 - The Sodomite Gateway - Twilight and Hello Kitty, Monarch Fashion with Apple Heart Symbols
- Part 106 - The Sodomite Gateway - Balls and Hearts, Da Vinci's Demons, Nike's MOJO and More
- Part 107 - The Sodomite Gateway - Lady Gaga as Rosetta Stone
- Part 108 - The Sodomite Gateway - Marmaduke
- Part 109 - The Sodomite Gateway - Titanic's Tribute to the Vitruvian Man: From One Leonardo to Another
- Part 110 - The Sodomite Gateway - Wind Tunnel; a Metaphor
- Part 111 - The Sodomite Gateway - A Sporting Tradition
- Part 112 - The Sodomite Gateway - "Get Enrolled" - Plus, Insight into the Occult symbolism of Santa and Christmas
See Also:
- Decoding the Felician Sisters Brand 3/25/2018
Pizza Esoterica - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media (Series Playlist)
The Pairing of Time Travel with Sodomite Programming in Film and TV (Series Playlist)
What is "Back to the Future" Really About? (Series Playlist)
- Slack and Squatty Potty Do the Sodomite Gateway Rosetta Stone
- Decoding Candy Crush Saga
- Decoding Disney's Wreck-It-Ralph
- A Candid view of Valentine's Day and its Cultural Imprint
- Decoding the Olive Exposes the Illuminati UN, the US Great Seal, Etc.
- Decoding the Indiana Youth Group License Plate
- Monas - Hidden Meaning of McDonald's Golden Arches, and the Great Seal of the United States
- Decoding Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp
- Time Manipulations: More Decoding of Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp
- Revolution (NBC) - Illuminati Mind-Control Programming
- Occult Symbolism Exposed: Whole Foods and 365 Brand Witchcraft
- This Post is Sponsored by the Letter "I"
- Signs of Rampant homosexuality, Pedophilia, BYU and Updated News on Boy Scout Scandal
- Sexualizing Children for Horus - PedoToys in the Marketplace
Resources - The testimony of whistle blowers, bell ringers and such
- XI° – Rocket to Uranus - Anal Intercourse and the O.T.O.
- Freemasonry's Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy
- Argentina Investigates Alleged Sex Abuse at School (12/23/16)
- First Of The Elite Washington DC Pedophile Ring Pleads Guilty To Child Rape- Democrat politician tied to D.C. pedophilia network admits multiple counts of raping children (3/21/2017)
- MAJOR PAEDO RING BUSTED Cops seize 30 MILLION child sex images and arrest 77 people in sting operation (7/30/16)
- "An Open Secret" - Child sex abuse 'an open secret' in Hollywood (12/22/15)
- Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’ (6/24/2017)
- Brad Pitt: 'Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America' Movie - star speaks out against pedophilia rings (6/26/2017)
- Hollywood insider Jon Robberson speaks out, claims a global pedophile ring controls Hollywood (5/20/2017)
- Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood”
- Professors & Staff Arrested for Trading in Child Rape (2/14/2017)
- 'Paedophile' Arthur C Clarke, a prince of sci-fi
- Dozens of UK politicians investigated in massive pedophilia ring (7/6/14)
- Prime Minister Edward Heath - Serial Boy Rapist
- Navy Ship to be Named After Pederastic Rapist Harvey Milk (7/29/16)
- Ex-Child Protection Officer Told By Police Gunman to Ignore Paedophiles
- Teachers Applaud as Prof Defends Pedophiles-- by Henry Makow Ph.D.
- The Pedophocracy by David McGowan
- Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by David McGowan
- Shock Report: 10,700 Men Raped in the US Military
- Jimmy Savile was Part of Satanic Ring
- UK Police had Savile Abuse Records in '60s
- Tory child sex abuse ring claim: Cameron races to control scandal
- Ultra-Orthodox Sex Abuse Whistleblower Describes "Child-Rape Assembly Line"
- Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God
This documentary highlights the story of five deaf men who spoke out about Father Lawrence Murphy, who molested more than 200 children between 1950 and 1974. Closes with an indictment of current Vatican authorities. - Deliver Us from Evil
This Oscar-nominated documentary investigates the life pedophile priest Oliver O'Grady and exposes corruption that allowed him to abuse countless children. Secret History : Kinsey's Pedophiles
The Kinsey Syndrome...A Sick Insight Into The Mind Of A Pedophile.
Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"
CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE [Banned Discovery Channel Documentary]
The Boy Business
1997 ITV documentary about British paedophile gangs making child abuse & snuff films in Amsterdam.- 'Broken Rites' reports: Church including Vatican corruption covers abuse
- Lucifer's Lodge - Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
- 3,677 sex abuse cases in German Catholic Church (9/12/18)
- Catholic mass grave sites of 350,800 missing children found in Ireland, Spain, Canada
- Catholic Church Priests Raped Children in Philadelphia, but the Wrong People Went to Jail (11/30/17)
- Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at cardinal’s apartment (7/5/2017)
- LA Cardinal Mahony 'stripped of duties' over sex abuse
- The Pope’s Gay Panic (6/15/13)
- Files Show Chicago Archdiocese Hid Decades Of Child Sex Abuse (1/21/14)
- Serbian Orthodox Church Rocked By Sex Scandal
- Trapped inside Austrailia's vast child abuse network (Part 1) (5/9/2014)
- 'Catholic mafia' hindered priest probe, special commission of inquiry into child sex abuse hears
- Cardinal George Pell charged with historical sex offenses (6/30/2017)
- Another Round of SRA Coverup: 'Incitement, The McMartin Trial'
- First Graders Face Sodomy Charges
- Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition: English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean - By B. R. Burg
- Globalists Like To Rape Women, As Well As Nations
Homosexuality, Nazis, International Bankers and The ObamaNation, includes an interview of Scott Lively, co-author of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party.
Child Porn Epidemic in Defense, Intelligence, other Agencies
Lisa: - Horus phallic package - fleur-de-lis
ReplyDeleteSandra: Here's the link:
ReplyDeleteExcellent observations.
Cassie Wood commented, pointing out how Joel Olsteen's Lakewood seating layout and design is like the monas hieroglyphica. Thanks Cassie!
ReplyDeletewow, very interesting work friend, thanks
ReplyDeleteHello Bob and Aaron,
ReplyDeleteThere is overwhelming evidence here that supports your conclusions. I thought I might add something that I do not recall seeing in your articles. I recently came across a web site that said the brand, "Colgate" was a reference to the "Colon Gate". Knowing corporate America and the importance of symbolism it seemed possible and the idea gained credibility after reading a link in the article from the U.K. Telegraph of February 1, 2001. It is oddly titled, "Mr. Bush shows Mr. Blair the ring of confidence" and, "Asked whether he and his British guest had discovered anything they had in common, George W. Bush took the "special relationship" to a new intimacy. "We both use Colgate toothpaste", he replied.
That speaks pretty loudly as confirmation of the meaning of the "Colgate" Brand. Thanks, G.
DeleteDid you ever notice the airbnb logo?
ReplyDeleteLooks like they got the XO working, and the A - hole upside down heart-butt.
DeleteHave you seen the new hats that trump is selling for space force? When you flip it, it's clearly the sodomite gateway.
Others are comparing it to the baphomet:
Thank you for allowing our Heavenly Father to use you to open my eyes!
Thanks for passing that on. Both interpretations are quite valid. It's a blessing to serve together in the Lord.